Con todo corazón, com todo o coração, this year we celebrate the 6th edition of RSLA. Over the course of 6 days, we will share, reconfigure, and explore sound, music, performance, and intentioned dialogues about the structures that affect us and ignite us as diasporic entities in connection with Latin America.

We come together to simmer and boil because we see no other option or way forward of sharing music than to sound out glimpses that shake us and remind us of the different possibilities beyond this crumbling present. We gather to reconfigure space through resonance, by allowing ourselves to experience and create moments in openness, without oppressive molds. Spaces where hearts burn, voices cry out, and bodies dance. We stand firm in our commitment to resist all forms that threaten life’s expansion and its multiplicity. But above all, we resist anything that denies the importance of recognition and confrontation through tenderness. 

This year, our program presents a series of events that collectively build a space in time to feel, transform, reflect, learn, and understand through sonic experimentation, process, and non-methods born from the practice and research of artists from and in LATAM. In addition to concerts and celebrations in collaboration with our partners and venues—90mil, Refuge Worldwide, Morphine Raum, OHM, Roots Radicals, and Sinema Transtopia—RSLA will also host free and open digital encounters. These include a hybrid conversation on extreme sound, rhythm, and memory. We will explore the history of the Venezuelan Minitecas, as well as “Sound Systems Architectures: Assemblages, Environments, and Happenings,” a discursive program bridging the legacy of sound system pioneers who played a key role in constructing a collective diasporic identity with the present-day sonic complexities that create architectures of liberation. We are thrilled to embark on this celebration with you!

We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

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